What is a Hotel Review?

What is a Hotel Review?

A hotel review is an evaluation of a hotel’s services and amenities written by a guest who has stayed at the property. These reviews are typically published on online travel agencies (OTAs) like Booking.com, Expedia, and TripAdvisor, as well as on the hotel’s own website and social media pages.

OTA là gì? Những điều cần biết về OTA trong kinh doanh khách sạn

Importance of Hotel Reviews

Hotel reviews play a crucial role in the hospitality industry, influencing both guest decision-making and hotel reputation. Positive reviews can:

  • Attract more guests: Potential customers often rely on reviews to gauge a hotel’s quality and suitability for their needs. High ratings and positive reviews can significantly boost a hotel’s booking rates.

  • Enhance brand reputation: Positive reviews establish a hotel’s credibility and trustworthiness, making it a more appealing choice for travelers. Consistent positive feedback can solidify a hotel’s reputation as a provider of exceptional hospitality.

  • Improve hotel services: Reviews provide valuable insights into guest experiences, highlighting areas where the hotel excels and areas that require improvement. By analyzing reviews, hotels can identify opportunities to enhance their services and amenities, leading to greater guest satisfaction.

How to Get More Positive Hotel Reviews

Encourage guests to leave reviews by:

  • Providing excellent service: Strive to deliver exceptional service throughout the guest’s stay, from check-in to check-out.

  • Requesting reviews: Politely ask guests to leave a review on their preferred platform after their stay.

  • Responding to reviews: Promptly respond to all reviews, thanking guests for positive feedback and addressing any concerns raised in negative reviews.

  • Using review management tools: Utilize tools to monitor and manage online reviews, making it easier to track feedback and respond promptly.


Hotel reviews are essential for hotels to succeed in today’s competitive hospitality landscape. By encouraging positive reviews, responding effectively to feedback, and continuously striving to improve guest experiences, hotels can cultivate a strong online reputation that attracts more guests and drives business growth.

In addition to the above, here are some additional tips for hotels to get more positive reviews:

  • Offer incentives: Consider providing small incentives, such as discounts or rewards, for guests who leave reviews.

  • Make it easy to leave reviews: Provide clear instructions and links to popular review platforms on the hotel’s website and in guest rooms.

  • Train staff on review management: Ensure staff members are knowledgeable about the importance of reviews and how to handle guest feedback professionally.

  • Monitor industry trends: Stay updated on the latest trends in online reviews and adapt strategies accordingly.

By implementing these strategies, hotels can effectively leverage the power of online reviews to enhance their reputation, attract more guests, and achieve long-term success.